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United Evangelical Church - Documents

Documents of General Interest

001 United Endeavor-1932 - from Roberta Deasel.

002 Church Anniversary Booklet-1933 - from Roberta Deasel.

003 Laying of Sunday School Cornerstone-1936 - from Roberta Deasel.

004 Dedication of Sunday School Building-1936 - from Roberta Deasel.

005 Church Anniversary Book-1923 - from Roberta Deasel.

006 Rev. Titus Lehman earned $125 bi-monthly in 1947.

007 Sunday School Attendance - December 13, 1925 - 341 students.

008 Rev. Titus Lehman earned $2800 per year in 1943.

009 United Evangelical Church - 150th Anniversary Seal.

010 Letter to Rev. Titus Lehman - prior to being called - December 30, 1933.

011 Adult Confirmation Listing - 1934.

012 Oyster Supper Report - November 15, 1934.

013 Charity Committee Report - January 2, 1935.

014 Christmas Basket Report - 1934.

015 Regional Conference - Evangelical Synod of North America - 1934.

016 Vote - For/Against Beer - 1934.

017 Pastor Schaefer resigning to enter work in home missions - 11/27/1933.

018 United Reformation Service - Lyric - 11/3/1935 - United: 1026 members.

019 Evangelical Synod of N.A. - Men's Lenten Service - March 27, 1934.

020 Church Council Election Talley Sheet - 1935.

021 United Evangelical - Constitution and By-Laws - December 13, 1926.

022 United Evangelical - Constitution and By-Laws - handwritten draft.

023 Telegram - Pastor Lehman - "call accepted" - January 19, 1934.

024 Church Insurance Policy - April 3, 1933 - Premium $6.00.

025 Annual Rpt: 11/17/1961 - Rev. Lehman made 1950 visits, desire to retire.

026 Review of Ministry - In 1947 - comp. reorg. of SS, drop name German in 1945.

027 Moehle & Associates - Cost of Church - $251,502.97.

028 Officers and Committees - 1960.

029 Questionnaire Results - 6/7/1960 - please play some old familiar hymns.

030 Annual Report - Rev. Lehman - 11/18/1960 - 3500 communicants.

031 WICKS Organ Company - inquiry about history of Wicks organ - 1956.

032 Organist Contract - August 19, 1963 - Charlotte Arbelada.

033 Christmas Card Order Form - February 18, 1963.

034 Pastor Rasche's Report - 1962 - add Oboe, Vox Humana, Vox Celeste.

035 The 1964 Quotas - Potomas Synod - United Church of Christ.

036 Canton Florist Receipt - March 3, 1952 - Adam Bialzak.

037 Annual Reformation Service - Lyric Theatre - Letter: January 29, 1952.

038 School of Evangelism - Protestant Community Church - 1950's.

039 Potomac Synod - Homewood Building Fund - November 1, 1950.

040 Pastor Lehman's Annual Report - 11/11/1951: 2150 calls on sick.

041 Dedication - 100th Anniversary - Pastor Rasche.

042 Light Bearer - Christian Education Magazine - June, 1927.

043 Fire Code Violation - June 6, 1952.

044 Program Book - 32nd Anniversary Banquet - Evangelical League.

045 Father & Son Banquet - January 26, 1949.

046 Father & Son Banquet - January 21, 1948.

047 Father & Son Banquet - January 22, 1947.

048 Potomac Synod - Evangelical & Reformed Church - 1956 Quota.

049 Rev. Lehman - Annual Report 1952: made about 2000 calls in home.

050 Compilation of Calls - 1954 - "fierce dog next door".

051 Visitation Statistics from 1954: Homes visited - 723.

052 Rev. Lehman Annual Report - 12/8/1953 - visits to sick/shut-ins: 2150.

053 E. Eyring & Sons - builder of church - cost $214,000 - 2/17/1955.

Documents from Organizations

001 Ladies Aid Society - Treasurer's Record - 1927.

002 Evergreen Society - Comedy Play - June 10, 1924.

003 Evergreen Society Minutes - 1923.

004 Trip to Weisner's Orphanage and Christmas Caroling - Evergreen - 1925.

005 Ladies Aid Society - Minutes - 1952.

006 Ladies Aid Society - Membership List - 1970.

007 Pastor Rasche - Thank You Note to Ladies Aid Society - January, 1974.

008 Ladies Aid Society - Financial Report - November 30, 1953.

009 Evangelical League - Financial Report for 1935.

010 The Evangelical League - Financial Statement - 1934.

011 Boy's Brigade - Report of Work - 1934.

012 Ladies Aid Society - Balance Sheet - 1935.

013 Church Choir Report - January 25, 1963 - Albert Witzke.

014 Youth Fellowship Report - January 25, 1963 - Bertha Will.

Church Financial Documents

001 United Evangelical Church - Financial Report - 1962.

002 United Evangelical Church - Finances - February, 1935.

003 Letter - Separate Checking Account for Benevolences - March, 1936.

004 Annual Treat Given to Inmates of the City Hospitals - 1935.

005 Financial Report - February, 1935 (additional pages).

006 Financial Report - April, 1935.

007 United Evangelical Church - Financial Report - May, 1935.

008 Financial Report - June, 1935.

009 Financial Report - April, 1934.

010 Financial Records - 1934.

011 Financial Reports - 1932 and 1935.

012 Itemized Expense Account - November, 1934 (also 4/32, 10/32, 11/34).

013 Income and Disbursements - 1935.

014 Junior Service Offerings - 1935.

015 Financial Reports - 1931 and 1932.

016 Financial Reports for 1932 and 1933.

017 Financial Reports - September 1933 - Coal $117.50 (Church), $94 (Hall).

018 Financial Reports: 10/31/33, September 1934, October 1934.

019 Finances - including Picnic at Cottage Grove - Wed, Aug 1, 1934 - Att: 695.

020 Finance Records - Dec 1933 - check to J. Will & Co. - $5.55 - ice cream.

021 Proposed Budget - January 5, 1934 (and other financial reports).

022 Itemized Expense Account - September, 1935.

023 Building Fund Report - November 30, 1933.

024 Church Picnic Receipts (handwritten) - 1931.

025 Picnic Receipts - 1931 - including Esskay.

Congregational Meeting Documents

001 Minutes - Congregational Meeting - March 12, 1934.

002 Congregational Meeting - April 2, 1935 - 63 to 4 vote to build new SS.

003 Congregational Meeting - June 14, 1925 - Amendments to Constitution.

004 August 12, 1935 - 62 to 4 vote to increase Pastor Lehman's salary.

005 Congregational Meeting - Dec 12, 1927 - hire secretary 3-4 days per week.

006 Congregational Meetings: 6/19/28, 12/11/1928, 4/5/29, 6/24/29.

007 Congregational Meetings: 9/16, 11/24, 12/9/1929, 3/10/1930.

008 Cong Mtg - 9/14/1930 - order 850 new hymnals (also 11/24, 12/12/1930).

009 Cong Mtg - 8/10/1931 - remodeling cost $65,000 (also 12/10/1934).

010 Congregational Meeting - 12/12/1932 - $50 given to Seaman's Mission.

011 Cong Mtg: Nov 24, 1934 - electing new members Board of Trustees.

012 Cong Mtg: Oct 5, 1934 - beer at oyster supper: For 8, Against 39.

013 Cong Mtg: 12/11/1933 - new minister to be paid $2200 per annum.

014 Cong Mtg: Jan 16, 1934 - Rev. Lehman elected pastor 100 to 42.

Board of Trustees Meeting Documents

001 Minutes - Board of Trustees - April 1, 1935.

002 Board of Trustees - May 3, 1935 - vote to buy 100 ft. hose.

003 Trustees Meeting - June 7, 1935 - Vacation Bible School discussed.

004 Special Board of Trustees Meeting - June 9, 1935.

005 Board of Trustees Meeting - July 1, 1935 - against Pastor Lehman increase.

006 Meeting - July 15, 1935 - Discontinue 6 am Service.

007 August 16, 1935 - resignation of Treasurer and Financial Secretary.

008 Board of Trustees Meeting - September 6, 1935.

009 Board Meeting - June 1, 1934 - 1000 sets of envelopes ordered.

010 Board Meeting - Jan 2, 1928 - pay Miss Becker $2.50 per day.

011 Board Meeting - March 5, 1933 - Sister Lena called as Parish Worker.

012 Meeting - 4/20/1928 - Pastor Schaeffer loaned money for new car.

013 Board - 5/7/28 - Baptismal fount regiled and polished (also 6/4/,9/4).

014 Board - 11/5/28 - talk about buying 940 S. Bouldin St. (also 11/14).

015 Meetings 12/5/28, 1/8/29, 2/4/29, 3/4/29, 6/10/29 and 11/6/29.

016 Mtg - 6/21/29 - Thornton Wilcox resigns as organist (also 7/1/29).

017 Board Meeting 7/7/29 - Leroy Seiler called as organist (also 8/5/29).

018 Mtg - 12/2/29 - Mr. Gross chairman of Christmas Tree (also 9/9, 10/10).

019 Board - 2/3/1930 - Picnic at Cape May Park (also 5/7, 6/2, 8/4/30).

020 Board - Apr 7, 1930 - start Boy's Brigade (also 5/7, 6/2, 8/4/1930).

021 Board Meetings: 9/8, 10/6, 11/17, 12/1/1930.

022 Board Meetings: 1/5, 1/9, 3/2, 5/4, 6/1/1931.

023 Bd Mtg 11/2/31 - Parsonage kitchen needs papering (also 7/6, 8/3, 10/5).

024 Board of Trustees Meeting - January 4, 1935 and December 23, 1934.

025 Board Meeting - 3/1/1935 - condition of piano (also 1/6/1935).

026 Bd Mtg - 1/12/1932 - $6 missing from safe overnight (also 12/7/1934).

027 Bd Mtg - 2/1/1932 - paid telent for Easter service (also 3/16/1932).

028 Bd Mtg - 11/2/34 - Rev. Lehman - unlimited phone calls in parsonage.

029 Bd Mtg - 9/7/1934 - 695 attended picnic, death of Pastor Menzel.

030 Bd Mtg - 5/3/1934 - J.E. Meyers - renovating organ $75.

031 Bd Mtg - 3/5/1934 - complaint - members of Sunday School kept outside.

032 Report - City Hospital - Thanks to Mr. Ernest Press - May Becker.

Church Council Meeting Documents

001 Church Council Meeting - August 2, 1935 - Canton Bible Institute - $15.

002 Church Council - 9/14/1931 - German Service 10:30 am, English 7:45 pm.

003 Church Council - 5/2/1932 - Ladies Aid asking to hold Bingo party.

004 Mtg - 6/6/1932 - Charles Bauersfeld - called to preach the Gospel.

005 Council Meetings - 8/1/1932, 9/5/1932, 10/3/1932.

006 Church Council - 12/5/1932 - Christmas Day - 6 am Eng, 10:30 am German.

007 Church Council Mtg - 2/6/1933 - Rebinding Bible $7.50 (and other dates).

008 Church Council - 6/5/1933 - luncheon for choir $8.90, returning $1.10.

009 Church Council - 9/4/1933 - Mr. Missell - have to resign as janitor.

010 Mtg - 10/2/1933 - forming "orchester" and "minograft" can't be repaired.

011 Church Council - 11/27/1933 - Rev. Schaefer resigning to work in missions.

012 Mtg: 12/4/1933 - vote against - permission to store old riffles in hall.

End of listing.

United Evangelical Church - More Douments

Letters and Correspondences

001 Insurance Correspondence - 1934.

002 Janitor Position Vacancy - 1935.

003 Painting Project - October 31, 1934.

004 Canton Bible Institute - August 6, 1935.

005 Schluderbert-Kurdle Beef Packers - 1935.

006 Resignation from Church Council - November 1, 1935.

007 Petition - Increase Rev. Lehman Salary - 1935.

008 Wilson Line Steamer - March 9, 1935.

009 Canton Bible Institute - August 1, 1935 - thanks for using building.

010 Painting Estimate - April 6, 1934 - John Schmeisser.

011 Cleaning of Stone - April 6, 1934 - Modern Method Stone.

012 Resignation of John Conrad as Trustee - January 8, 1934.

013 Estimate for papering 8 rooms and stairways - February 28, 1934.

014 Romove all paint from exterior brick - April 14, 1934.

015 Thank You from Pastor Menzel's Wife on his passing - May 4, 1934.

016 Thank You - Ernest Press - Seminary Student - May 10, 1934.

017 Rev. Lehman - District Treasury - August 22, 1935.

018 Letter to Mr. Trautner - resignation as treasurer - August 16, 1935.

019 Resignation of Financial Secretary - 1935.

020 Dispute about Pastor Lehman's salary increase - June 19, 1935.

021 Evangelical Synod of North America - Quota - October 31, 1933.

022 Pastor Lehman recommended by Atlantic District - December 6, 1933.

023 Pastor Lehman's first trip to Baltimore - January 3, 1934.

024 Ernest Press to fill in after Pastor Schaefer leaves - January 20, 1934.

025 Ernest Press - initial trip to Baltimore - January 23, 1934.

026 Eden Seminary asked to "release one of capable boys" to minister.

027 Rev. Kesting interested in United - but only one at a time - 1/10/1934.

028 Son-in-Law of Pastor Batz interested - January 5, 1934.

029 Pastor Lehman to preach both English and German - December 13, 1933.

030 Letter of Transfer to St. Lukes - March 3, 1960.

031 Lohr & Fritze Florists - flower for Mrs. Fader - September 1, 1960.

032 Jalasie Door for Parsonage with mailslot - $84.95 - 1/1/1960.

033 Donald Schnader resigns as organist - June 23, 1960.

034 March 17, 1950: Estate of Amelia A. B****.

035 Letter of appreciation to Donald Schnader, Organist - 1/6/1960.

036 Tom Griffin - resignation as organist - personal obligations.

037 Light Dimmer purchase for church - June 16, 1963.

038 Frederick Clagett: 18,000 watt dimmer - 9/6/1963.

039 Retaining Wall for Parsonage - August 28, 1963.

040 Electrical Upgrade to Upper Room - January 15, 1963.

041 Rev. Lehman - $50 to New Church Building Fund - 1/22/1942.

042 National Missions Sunday - October 11, 1951.

043 Canton Area Council - use of building - September 25, 1951.

044 Fred Kirk resigns as organist - Apri 29, 1951.

045 American Surety Company - October 31, 1951 - rate increase.

046 Council of Churches - Summer Park Services - 1951.

047 Picnic at Maryland Beach - Wednesday, July 25, 1951 - $10 deposit.

048 Potomac Synod - Administration Fund - 1950.

049 Letter - Stop payment on check - February 5, 1951.

050 Rusco Products - Doors & Windows for Parsonage - May 4, 1951.

051 Paul Edel - Theatrical Costumes - March 16, 1951 - $19.35.

052 Hoffman Funeral Home - Church Picnic ticket printing - 7/30/1951.

053 Will's Dairy - Church Picnic milk and drink donation - 7/30/1951.

054 Commission on World Service - Evangelical & Reformed Church - 1951.

055 Pastor Lehman - receiving Doctor of Divinty - Monday, May 29, 1961.

056 Kiwanis Club - 10/10/1952 - use of building.

057 Potomac Synod - Evangelical & Reformed Church - 1952.

058 Canton Area Council - 10/1/1952 - permission to use building.

059 Deposit for Church Picnic - Wednesday, July 23, 1952.

060 Potomac Synod - Apportionment Dispute - March 26, 1952.

061 Boy Scout Troop Formed - March 19, 1952.

062 Canton Area Council - June 3, 1952 - permission to use building.

063 Hauser Art Glass Co - repair of stained glass windows - 12/15/1951.

064 Homewood Home Appeal - December 6, 1951.

065 Thank You Letter - 1935 - Clarence Hoffman, Esbrandt, John Musch.

066 Evangelical & Reformed Church Correspondences - February 1953.

067 Letters for use of Building - Eastern Star - June 12, 1955.

068 Charging of Fire Extinguishers - May 23, 1953.

069 Letter to Mr. Frankhanel - vote against paid quartet or soloists - 1953.

070 Highlandtown Exchange Little League - September 29, 1953.

071 New Church Building Fund - Evangelical & Reformed Church - 8/28/1953.

072 Attorney Letter: Estate of Caroline Wachmer - 9/29/1953.

073 Canton Area Council - fashion show against regulations - 1952.

074 Lewis & Hitchock - no need for organ service contract - 3/1/1954.

075 Moehl & Associates - architect for new church - 3/23/1954.

076 Paul Bauersfeld - free picnic to Sunday School students - 10/4/1954.

077 Messiah Lutheran Church offers building to United - April 29, 1955.

078 Ladies Guild - offer to help decorate church - 12/07/1955.

079 Oriole Window Cleaning Service - $40 each visit - 6/22/1955.

080 City Council - extend church over city line - 9/29/1955.

081 Christ Lutheran Church - letter of transfer - 11/26/1954.

082 The Baltimore Committee - Rev. Paul Gabler - study of congregation - 3/15/1955.

083 Thank You Letter - Howard Jenkins - ill health - 3/15/1955.

Financial Records - 1960's

001 Financial Reports - Jan 1961, Feb 1961, March 1961, April 1961.

002 Financial Reports: May, 1961 - September, 1961.

003 Budget for 1961-1962 (plus Financial reports).

004 Oyster Supper Report - November 8, 1961.

005 Sunday School Treasurer's Report - October 31, 1961.

006 Young Women's Guild - Financial Statement - 1961.

007 United Men's Club - Financial Report - 1961.

008 Financial Reports: January, 1958 - May, 1958.

009 Financial Reports: June, 1958 - November, 1958.

010 Financial Reports: October, 1958 - December, 1958.

011 Sour Beef/Oyster Supper and Bazaar - November, 1958 - Dinners: 1,029.

012 Fringe Benefits for Ministers - 1958.

013 Financial Reports: January, 1959 - April, 1959.

014 Financial Reports: May, 1959 - September, 1959.

015 Financial Reports: October, 1959 - December, 1959.

016 Oyster and Sour Beef Supper Report - November 10, 1959 - 918 tickets.

017 Financial Reports: December, 1959 - March, 1960.

018 Financial Report - Sunday School - October 31, 1960.

019 Financial Report: Men's Club - June 1, 1959 - May 25, 1960.

020 Financial Reports: April, 1960 - June, 1960.

021 Financial Reports: July, 1960 - October, 1960.

022 Financial Reports: October, 1960 - December, 1960.

023 Sour Beef & Oyster Supper - November 29, 1960: 916 Dinners.

024 Young Women's Guild - Financial Report - December, 1959 - November, 1960.

025 United Men's Club - Financial Report - May 25, 1960 - October 26, 1960.

026 Proposed Budget - 1964 - Pastor's Salary $7,500.

027 Financial Reports: May, 1963 - July, 1963.

028 Financial Reports: January, 1963 - April, 1963.

029 Church Financial Reports: November, 1962 - December, 1962.

030 Sunday School Financial Report: December, 1961 - December, 1962.

031 Ladies Aid Society - Finances: November 1, 1961 - December 31, 1962.

032 Young Women's Guild - Financial Statement - December 31, 1962.

033 United Men's Club - Financial Report - January 23, 1963.

034 United Dramatic Guild Financial Report - December 12, 1950.

035 Lord's Supper Tableau Pictures - Financial Report - December 15, 1950.

036 Financial Reports: February, 1952 - May, 1952.

037 Oyster Supper Report - November 14, 1951 - Dinners: 772.

Church Council Minutes - 1960's

001 Council Minutes - 1/10/1961 - Naomi Binko chosen as new organist.

002 Church Council - 4/4/1961 - Installing a ladder leading to clock tower.

003 Minutes - 2/7/1961 - Wicks Organ Co. not responsible if organ is tampered with.

004 Council Mtg: 5/9/1961 - Rev. Lehman to receive Doctor of Divinty Degree.

005 Council Mtg: 6/6/1961 - Pastor Rasche's expectations.

006 Council Mtg: 8/8/1961 - what can be done - chimes on organ.

007 Council Mtg: 9/5/1961 - Pastor and Mrs. Lehman - move in with Mr. & Mrs. Fritze.

008 Council Mtg: 12/5/1961 - Repair chimes in the tower - $350.

009 Recommendations for Parsonage - wall to wall carpeting.

010 Consistory of United Evangelical Church - 1962.

011 1/7/1958 - You May Have a Home, But You Don't Have a Church Home.

012 2/4/1958 - piano used for Rev. Lehman conf class & also Don Schnader.

013 Council Mtg: 3/4/1958 - get ropes for ringing the church bells.

014 4/8/2058: having NO PARKING signs out front and Lasting Flame.

015 Council Minutes - 6/5/1958 - Automatic bell ringer - $655.00.

016 Council Minutes - 9/2/1958 - pay guest soloist $15.00.

017 Council Mtg: 11/4/1958 - Eternal Light to be installed.

018 Council Mtg: 1/6/1959 - parts installed for clock tower.

019 Council Mtg: 3/3/1959 - new mimeograph machine.

020 Council Mtg: 8/4/1959 - Brick up windows in the real of the auditorium.

021 Council Mtg: 12/1/1959 - Pastor Batz Memorial installed in narthex.

022 Council Mtg: 2/2/1960 - permission to rent two neck microphones.

023 Council Mtg: 3/23/1960 - Mrs. Grace Fader appointed secretary - $50/wk.

024 Council Mtg: 4/5/1960 - Buzzer for Dillon Street Door.

025 Council Mtg: 5/3/1962 - Mr. Schnader wanted 2 stops added to organ - $2,400.

026 Council Mtg: 7/5/1960 - Donald Schnader - Letter of Resignation.

027 Council Mtg: 8/2/1960 - Thomas Griffin hired as organist - $1750/yr.

028 Council Mtg: 10/4/1960 - Boy Scouts to ring church bells - get out to vote.

029 Council Mtg: 11/1/1960 - Reitrement letter from Rev. Lehman mailed.

030 Council Mtg: 11/4/1960 - Rev. Lehman resignation changed to retirement.

031 Council Mtg: 12/6/1960: Naomi Binko - audition for organist - 11/6/1960.

032 Council Mtg: 10/1/1963 - Light Dimmer for church, chancel and pulpit.

033 Council Mtg: 9/3/1963 - Charlotte Arbalada, Organist begins 9/29/1963.

034 Council Mtg: 7/2/1963 - Carol Bauersfeld wedding reception 9/14/1963.

035 Council Mtg: 6/4/1963 - Ed West, Sexton, trial period up - due $5.00 increase.

036 Council Mtg: 5/7/1963 - Confirmation moved to Thursday evenings.

037 Council Mtg: 4/2/1963 - Sunday School building designated Civil Defense Shelter.

038 Council Mtg: 2/5/1963 - door installed Upper Room, 220 volt service to Sunday School.

039 Council Mtg: 1/8/1963 - 30 amp outlet installed in balcony and portable platform.

040 Council Mtg: 2/5/1953 - Ed Myers - organize Boy Scout Troop.

Congregational Meetings - 1960's

001 Cong Mtg: 8/1/1961 - reinstall a telephone in Friendship Hall.

002 Cong Mtg: 8/29/1961 - Pastor Rasche unanimously elected to be Pastor.

003 Cong Mtg: 11/17/1961 - all is ready for Pastor Rasche's installation.

004 Cong Mtg: June, 1958 - automatic bell ringer for 900 pound bell - $655.00.

005 Cong Mtg: 6/16/1958 - motion made to disband Building Committee.

006 Cong Mtg: 11/24/1959 - purchase of eight food carts for dinners.

007 Cong Mtg: 11/18/1960 - Rev. Lehman retires.

008 Congregational Meeting: 11/29/1963 - begin early service at 7:45 am.

009 Congregational Meeting: January 25, 1963 - new By-Laws & Constitution.

010 Congregational Mtg: 2/10/1952 - repair of windows: $3,800.00.

Financial Statements - 1940's and 1950's

001 Financial Reports - 1949.

002 Authorized Check Signers - December 7, 1950.

003 Numerous Financial Reports from 1949.

004 Financial Reports: November, 1949 - December, 1949.

005 Budget - United Evangelical Church - November, 1951.

006 Women's Guild - Annual Report - November 30, 1955.

007 Sunday School Report - November 30, 1955.

008 Ladies Aid Financial Statement - November 30, 1950.

009 Oyster Supper Financial Report - November 15, 1950 - Dinners: 1,232.

010 Young Women's Guild - Treasurer's Report - 1951.

011 United Men's Club - Financial Report - November 30, 1951.

012 New Amplifier for Tower - Financial Report - 1951 - Al Witzke.

013 Signature Sheets - Provident Bank - 1950.

014 Dues for Council Members: 1950-1951.

015 Financial Reports: January 1950 - May, 1950.

016 Financial Reports: June, 1950 - November, 1950.

017 Financial Reports: December, 1950 - August, 1951.

018 Sunday School Picnic Report - Wednesday, July 25, 1951 - Maryland Beach.

019 Financial Reports: September, 1951 - November, 1951.

020 Ladies Aid - Annual Report - November 30, 1951.

021 Signature Cards - Canton Natiomal Bank - December 8, 1950.

022 Financial Reports: June, 1952 - November, 1952.

023 Picnic Report - Wednesday, July 23, 1952 - Will's Dairy, Fred Gross & Sons.

024 Financial Reports: December, 1951 - January, 1952.

025 Financial Reports: January, 1953 - May, 1953.

026 Oyster Supper Report - November 12, 1952 - Dinners served - 730.

027 Bond Insurance Policy - Will Ermer - Treasurer - 1953.

028 Financial Reports: June. 1953 - September, 1953.

029 Banquet Receipts - 1953 (handwritten).

030 Council Members used to pay "dues" - and donate.

031 Financial Reports: November, 1953 - December, 1953.

032 Financial Statement - United Evangelical Church - 1952.

033 Ladies Guild - Financial Statement - 1952.

034 United Men's Club - Financial Statement - 1952.

035 Financial Reports: January, 1954 - March, 1954.

036 Oyster Supper Report - 1953.

037 Financial Reports: April, 1954 - September, 1954.

038 Financial Reports: October, 1954 - December, 1954.

039 Ladies Aid Society - Financial Report - November 30, 1953.

040 United Men's Club - Financial Report - 1952.

041 Annual Report of Social Service - November 29, 1953.

042 Ladies Aid Society - Financial Report - 1954.

043 Young Women's Guild - Financial Report - 1955.

044 Oyster Supper Report - November 10, 1954 - Dinners Served: 600.

045 Young Women's Guild - Financial Report - 1954.

046 Sunday School Financial Report - November 30, 1954.

047 Financial Reports: January, 1955 - November, 1955.

048 United Men's Club - Financial Report - November, 1955.

049 Financial Reports: April, 1955 - August, 1955.

050 Financial Reports: March 1955 - October, 1955.

051 Sour Beef Supper - December 7, 1955 - Dinners served = 636.

Council Meetings - 1940's and 1950's

001 Council Mtg: 2/2/1949 - organ contract to Lewis & Hitchock - $76/yr.

002 Council Mtg: 3/2/1949 - repair started on tower clock.

003 Council Mtg: 6/1/1949 - Mrs. Whittliff resigns, Synod property does not apply.

004 Church Council Committee Listings for 1948-1949.

005 Council Mtg: 10/4/1949 - Donald Rubic - choir rehearsals to Sunday School hall.

006 Council Mtg: 11/2/1949 - keys for church have mysteriously disappeared.

007 Council Mtg: 12/7/1949 - violinist and cellist to play Christmas Eve.

008 Council Mtg: 1/5/1949 - Sunday School Enrollment - over 300.

009 Council Mtg: 1/4/1950 - Boy's Brigade being discontinued.

010 Council Mtg: 3/1/1950 - Confirmation Class 1950: 28 boys, 41 girls.

011 Council Mtg: 10/4/1950 - Mrs. Vogler and Mrs. Fitzberger - new members.

012 Council Mtg: 12/6/1950 - loud speakers to be installed for overflow in Sunday School.

013 Council Mtg: 4/4/1951 - Letters sent to 29 servicemen.

014 Council Mtg: 6/6/1951 - mimeograph machine should be kept locked.

015 Council Mtg: 10/1/1952 - Ed Myers - Cub Scouts to use large room.

016 Church Council Committees - 1952.

017 Council Mtg: 12/4/1951 - Church Picnic set - Maryland Beach - 7/23/1952.

018 Signature Cards - Baltimore Federal - January 24, 1952.

019 Council Mtg: 4/14/1955 - organ needs major repair - consider electronic.

020 Council Mtg: 4/5/1955 - repair of pipe organ - $150.

021 Council Mtg: 9/15/1955 - National Brewery Glee Club - October 1, 1955.

022 Council Mtg: 10/6/1955 - Good attendance at Rally Day - Sunday School: 400.

023 Council Mtg: 9/7/1954 - new organist, Donald Schnader, excellent job.

024 Church Council Committee Members: 1952-1953.

025 Council Mtg: 12/02/1952 - seven baskets given for Thanksgiving.

026 Check Signers - First National Bank - December 22, 1952.

027 Council Mtg: 1/5/1954 - Hammond Organ $3727 considered.

028 Council Mtg: 1/17/1954 - rebuild present organ for $1675.

029 Council Mtg: 3/2/1954 - no dedication of rebuilt organ until complete.

030 Council Mtg: 4/6/1954 - Sunday School Attendance - Last Week: 560.

031 Council Mtg: 5/4/1954 - Herbert Frankhanel to resign as organist.

032 Council Mtg: 6/1/1954 - Donald Schnader offered $800/yr as organist.

033 Council Mtg: 10/5/1954 - Al Witzke - interest young people in the choir.

034 Council Mtg: 2/1/1955 - theft of Mr. Fader's topcoat.

035 Council Mtg: 3/1/1955 - National Brewery, Junior Choir disturbances, Fire in Men's lavatory.

036 Council Mtg: 4/5/1955 - Junior Choir music too hard and will strain voices.

037 Council Mtg: 5/7/1955 - Al Witzke to make recordings of church bell.

038 Council Mtg: 7/12/1955 - delay in building new church.

039 Council Mtg: 12/2/1955 - fourteen baskets given for Thanksgiving.

Congregational Meetings - 1940's and 1950's

001 Cong Mtg: 3/8/1949 - erection of new church, property to revert to synod.

002 Cong Mtg: 12/13/1949 - Lenten Services moved from Friday to Wednesday.

003 Cong Mtg: 3/14/1950 - older members having difficulty hearing sermon.

004 Cong Mtg: 6/13/1950 - possibility of having a new church in Locust Point.

005 Cong Mtg: 9/11/1951 - change time from 8:15 am to 8:00 am.

006 Cong Mtg: 11/28/1952 - election of Church Council with tally sheet.

007 Cong Mtg: 12/11/1951 - with tally sheet, raise salary of Pastor.

008 Cong Mtg: 12/08/1953 - poor condition - church organ - consider electronic.

009 Cong Mtg: 12/09/1952 - appeal for more Sunday School teachers.

010 Cong Mtg: 3/9/1954 - new Church building or remodel old Church building.

011 Cong Mtg: 4/23/1954 - make study sketches for new church.

012 Cong Mtg: 10/8/1954 - drawings for new church, where to put the choir.

013 Cong Mtg: 4/12/1953 - 3 bids for building church, Sunday School had cost $68,000.

014 Cong Mtg: 9/27/1955 - Canvas of Church - 650 homes visited.

End of listing